Delivering your graphic design needs!Social Media Posts, Social Media Banner, Stream Overlay, Wallpapers, and more!



Naoko Shoto Designworks can provide your design needs such as:

  1. Stream Overlays

  2. Social Media Banner / Headers

  3. Social Media Post Design

  4. Simple Wallpapers for any needs

  5. Subs / Donation Alerts

  6. Panel Design

I'd provide these design services with starting price as below:

Stream Overlay (3 screens)15 USDIDR 129.000
Panel Design / Alerts (6 panels / alerts)13 USDIDR 125.000
Thumbnails10 USDIDR 119.000
Weekly Schedule Design8 USDIDR 75.000
Social Media Banners / Headers (3 socials)8 USDIDR 75.000
Simple Wallpapers8 USDIDR 75.000


Level 1 Package
Stream Overlay (3 screens), Banner, and Weekly Schedule Design
29 USDIDR 265.000
Level 2 Package
Stream Overlay (3 screens), Alerts / Panel Design, Banner, and Weekly Schedule Design
32 USDIDR 385.000
Level 3 Package
Stream Overlay (6 screens), Alerts / Panel Design, Banner, and Weekly Schedule Design
44 USDIDR 509.000

If you are interested, here's what the Terms Of Service that applied:

  1. You must give a brief reference with colour preferences, styles, and other ideas.

  2. The estimated duration of work depends on difficulty, usually 3-7 days

  3. Revisions are only provided with a maximum of 3 times.

  4. Revisions have been counted since the early design was approved.

  5. For commercial use, the price is multiplied by 2.

  6. Raw files will be charged more depending on difficulty.

If you agree with the TOS above and are interested, you can contact me by Discord at NaokoShoto#9083 or on TwitterI only accept payments that are listed below:

Trakteer, Go-Pay / DANA / OVO, Bank Jago / Bank Artos, BI Fast
PayPal & Ko-fi